news: Native Instruments Reaktor 5.6 64Bit
Native Instruments kündigte Reaktor 5.6 an. Diese neue Reaktor-Version wird in 64 Bit für Mac und Windows erhältlich sein.
Das freut mich ganz besonders, da ich ein großer Reaktor fan bin :)
“Alongside full 64 Bit support for Windows and Mac OSX, the latest REAKTOR 5.6 update will appeal particularly to the advanced user community, with several new features for those building their own or modifying existing instruments.”
- Improved navigation concept
- Added searchbox to add modules
- Added breadcrumb navigation to structure view
- New 800-page module reference manual
- Scrolling of structures with Alt+Drag over structure
- Added hide frame and transparency property to XY module
- Added drag copy to other structure view
- Recorder shows recorded time when recording
- Add abort function to file not found dialog on project recall
- Improved loading time for ensembles with many Send/Receive terminals
- PNG file support for picture modules