27. April 2016 | Deals | Noizefield
Deal: Bounce Compressor by BeatSkillz 50% off

Full Featured Yet Easy to Use Compressor
Bounce is a feature rich, offering detailed control over its many features. For the compression section:
- Attack from 0.1ms to 30ms
- Release from 100ms to 1200ms.
- Threshold from -1db to -30db
- Hard/soft knee
- Ratio from 1.5 to 20
For the detection section:
- Range from 60hz to 10Khz
- Q range from 0.7 to 8.6
- Feedback from 0db to 10db
- Comp type of peak or RMS
- Dry/wet from 0-100%
- Input from -inf to 0db
- Make up from -inf to 20db
In the metering section, get instant readings on:
- Input (db)
- Output (db)
- Gain Reduction (db)
Normally $99.99 – get it at 50% before its gone!
Absolute no-brainer at 50% off the normal price (normally $99.99!)!
Available in VST/AU/AAX for Mac OSX / Win 32 & 64 bit (all options included)
Easy to use
Great on Tracks, Busses and Mixes
Add “THRUST” and “PUNCH” to your Beats
Full Detection Section with Maximum Control
Dry and Wet controls built in
Many different sound shapes and colors from one plugin!
Get 50% discount and buy “Bounce Compressor Plugin by BeatSkillz” for just 43,99€ here:
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