Deal: Trypticon by Sick Noise Instruments 77% off

A Slick, Futuristic Kontakt Instrument For Hi-Tech & PsyTrance Music
The “Trypticon” interface is divided into 6 segments; Sound, Filter, ENV, Delay, Chorus and LFO which makes it not only a sound library but also a synth.
The provided preset sounds (in 3 different categories) are ready to use in your productions and are dynamic, strong, powerful and very easy to work with.
What’s Inside?

13 Leads
5 Keys
25 Machine FX
25 Roboticon FX
11 Rizers
24 Robo Hits FX

[pricing_table columns=”3″]
[pricing_table_column title=”Original price:” price=€39]
[pricing_table_column featured=”true” title=”Your deal price:” price=€9]
[pricing_table_column title=”You will save:” price= €30 (77%)]
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