10. February 2022 | News | Noizefield

gbSoundlab released SweetPressor


gbSoundlab released SweetPressor, a hybrid compressor that takes advantage of the best of both worlds, the transistorized, or solid state, and the valve. The transistorized architecture benefits stability in compression control, providing greater precision. However, instead of using the classic VCA integrated circuit, what we do is attack a pair of valves in a symmetrical configuration, as is the case with the Vari-Mu models. Now, the negative voltage is generated by the transistorized circuit with a much more perfect and precise filtering. The response is very silky and stable, without pumping and with a subtle sustain, which fills any sound signal.

Taking advantage of this hybrid design, a spectral control has been implemented. In this way, even greater stability and equalization can be given. The high and low spectrum is automatically stabilized, but we can vary it as we please with the “SPECTRE” control. The recovery and attack controls are double, for a more precise adjustment.

The process starts when the tube lights up blue with the “INPUT+LINK” setting or from the “TRIM” control. These flashes will indicate the optimum gain point and the start of compression. It is also the indispensable starting point for automatic gain control (AUTO GAIN). In this way, we can follow this guideline for an easy set-up of our compressor.

SweetPressor will be very efficient in any situation where we want to precisely control the dynamics, or in a more creative way, sticking our tracks and enhancing the atmosphere.


More info here: gbSoundlab | SweetPressor

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