AMSynths released AM8109SE
AMSynths released AM8109SE, a replication of the Low Pass and High Pass Filters from the legendary Roland Jupiter 8 and 4. This is a 2 and 4 pole OTA design
AMSynths released AM8109SE, a replication of the Low Pass and High Pass Filters from the legendary Roland Jupiter 8 and 4. This is a 2 and 4 pole OTA design
AMSynths released AM8109SE, a replication of the Low Pass and High Pass Filters from the legendary Roland Jupiter 8 and 4. This is a 2 and 4 pole OTA design
Frequency Central released Cosmic Background, a 100% analogue fully modular super flexible drum voice module for Eurorack. Cosmic Background consists of 4 sections: White noise source Release generator with voltage
Frequency Central released Cosmic Background, a 100% analogue fully modular super flexible drum voice module for Eurorack. Cosmic Background consists of 4 sections: White noise source Release generator with voltage
SOMA Labs released Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT), an 8-bit noise synthesizer and sequencer inspired by the clever programming of the early PC era. Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT) is
SOMA Labs released Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT), an 8-bit noise synthesizer and sequencer inspired by the clever programming of the early PC era. Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT) is
LO-Fusion VCF is a redesign of a classic low pass OTA VCF with corrections and addons. It’s working very well on v/oct and with FM modulation on FREQ cv input.
LO-Fusion VCF is a redesign of a classic low pass OTA VCF with corrections and addons. It’s working very well on v/oct and with FM modulation on FREQ cv input.