28. April 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

28. April 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

inspiration: AudoGL – Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer

AudoGL – Teaser video for a Modular Software Synthesizer and Sequencer The music in this video is 100% synthesized, and does not contain any samples. The visuals are procedural as

7. April 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

free vst: Amazona.de & U-HE TYRELL N6

Amazona.de and U-HE just released the free vst synthesizer plugin TYRELL N6. U-HE, well known as the developer of Zebra and ACE, was resposnsible for the coding of TYRELL N6.

7. April 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

free vst: Amazona.de & U-HE TYRELL N6

Amazona.de and U-HE just released the free vst synthesizer plugin TYRELL N6. U-HE, well known as the developer of Zebra and ACE, was resposnsible for the coding of TYRELL N6.

23. March 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

news: Native Instruments RAZOR Teaser

Native Instruments zeigt auf youtube einen neuen Synthesizer mit dem Namen RAZOR.

23. March 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

news: Native Instruments RAZOR Teaser

Native Instruments zeigt auf youtube einen neuen Synthesizer mit dem Namen RAZOR.

23. March 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

news: Native Instruments RAZOR Teaser

Native Instruments announced an new upcomming Synthesizer called RAZOR

23. March 2011 | synthesizer | Noizefield

news: Native Instruments RAZOR Teaser

Native Instruments announced an new upcomming Synthesizer called RAZOR