15. June 2011 | music news tv | Noizefield

news: Toneboosters – TB Module (beta)

Toneboosters kündigen TB Module, momentan noch in der Betaphase, an. Es handelt sich bei dem Plugin um ein Framework für eine große Vielfalt an Freedback- und Modulationseffekten.

“TB Module is a generic framework for a wide variety feedback and modulation effects. It consists of a set of serialized processes such as panning, delay, filters, and sound-field rotation with user-controllable feedback. Moreover, the acclaimed saturation of TB Ferox is integrated as well. In combination with 2 LFOs, effects such as chorus, tremolo, auto pan, and phaser are created easily. Moreover, because of its generic approach, TB Module allows hybrid combination effects as well.”


  • Zero-latency processing
  • Support of all sampling rates from 44.1 to 192 kHz
  • Wide variety of integrated processing elements allowing great flexibility and creativity
  • Based on the VST 2.4 specification to allow compatibility with virtually all host programs


Weitere Infos hier: http://www.toneboosters.com/tb-module/#more-1085

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