30. December 2016 | Free Sounds | Carl
20 free dubstep presets by Paree Katti

Paree Katti has released a new small preset collection with 20 presets for the Atlantis synth.
„Atlantis is a hybrid synth released in 2009. Its 32 bit only. Its no longer actively developed. That’s the bad part of it. But the good part is IT SOUNDS AWESOME!
I use Tracktion 5 x64. So there is no way i’m able to use 32bit vst. But synths like this and freehand forced me to find out a way. So, here were my options
1) Use Bridge- jbridge was not too stable with my system
2) Use a rewire DAW which has bridging. It was too tiresome as well.
3) Use another DAW which can host 32 bit vst, sample the notes (or a single note if its long enough) and feed it to a sampler. There are many free 32 bit hosts. And i chose LMMS 64 bit with Internal bridging as my second DAW. The sampling part is the most fun part out there. I do it by exporting notes of 5-6 bars length via LMMS (or DAW). It can also be done by tools such as MRecorder vst (Melda).“