23. October 2016 | News | Carl
Beat releases free Diva soundbank and Beatzille

Because of 20.000 Facebook likes, the german music magazine Beat decided to spend now the synth Beatzille (a feature-limited version of Bazille by u-He) for everyone. The download requires no registration.
Additionally they’ve released a Diva-soundbank for their Zampler RX with 20 tenderly crafted basses and lead sounds of a real Diva. If you like Moog, Jupiter and the like, you’ll love this. Get it now for free!
Check these out!
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Good news, people. You can still download U-He’s Beatzille from The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine here https://web.archive.org/web/20161019182835/https://www.zampler.de/upload/20k_Beatzille.zip . This download includes 32-/64-bit Windows, Mac OS and Linux VST, AU and AAX versions of Beatzille. I tested the download link and it works.