3. October 2019 | News | Noizefield
Cableguys released ShaperBox 2

Cableguys release ShaperBox 2 a collcetion of five powerful Cableguys effects – TimeShaper 2, VolumeShaper 6, FilterShaper Core 2, PanShaper 3 and WidthShaper 2 – ShaperBox 2 creates amazing musical, rhythmic effects and helps solve complex mix problems.
Load any Shaper effect and simply draw the modulation shapes you need with our easily editable LFOs. Or use envelope followers that react to your audio. Control filtering, volume, panning, stereo width – even the flow of time.
Price: Intro USD 99.00 $ / Regular USD 180.00 $
More info here: Cableguys | ShaperBox 2
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