22. November 2016 | News | Noizefield
Celemony released Melodyne Version 4.1 (Free Update)

Celemony released a free update for Melodyne to version 4.1 featuring some new functions, improvements and bug fixes.
New features:
Multitrack Note Editing now also during ARA integration
In Melodyne studio 4.1’s Note Editor, you can now also with ARA integration display and edit as many DAW tracks simultaneously as you like.
>>Working with ARA
ARA improvements for (vocal) comping in the DAW
Thanks to two new ARA modes, Melodyne’s power can be optimally focused on an individual clip or an entire track, thereby providing ideal support for typical DAW workflows such as (vocal) comping: ARA Clip Mode affords access to a single clip but also to notes on either side of the clip borders. ARA Track Mode, on the other hand, shows you all the clips on a DAW track, exactly as they are edited and arranged there.
>>Working with ARA
New playback type for monophonic instruments
To enhance sound quality during the playback of soprano voices or very high-pitched melodic instruments (e.g. piccolos), the Algorithm Inspector now includes a new playback type: “Tonal (high)”.
>>Editing the detection in Note Assignment Mode
The “Separate Notes as Trill” command
The Note Editor and Note Assignment Mode now feature Melodyne studio 3’s familiar “Separate Notes as Trill” command.
>>The tools for note separation
More info here: Celemony | Melodyne Version 4.1