27. June 2022 | Hardware | Noizefield
Frequency Central released Wonderland

Frequency Central released Wonderland, an 8×8 active patchbay/matrix mixer/switcher for both audio and control voltages.
- 8 inputs (1 through to 8), each with micro-attenuators (which can be set with a small screwdriver)
- 8 buffered inverted outputs (A through to H) which are 180o out of phase with the inputs
- 8 buffered normal outputs (A through to H) which are in phase with the inputs
- A switch matrix of 64 push on/push off switches
Any of the 8 inputs can be patched to any of the 8 outputs simply by pressing the corresponding switches. A patched signal will appear at both normal and inverted outputs simultaneously.
A single input can be patched to a single output. A single input can be patched to multiple outputs. Multiple inputs can be patched to a single output. Multiple inputs can be patched to multiple outputs.
Each input features a micro-attenuator which can be set with a small screwdriver. This space saving feature allows you to reduce the volume of an incoming signal without having to resort to external attenuators. If you add many inputs to one output you will of course cause clipping (which may or may not be desirable!), the micro-attenuators are your on-board way around this. I find it useful to leave the micro-attenuators set to 50% (which is how they come pre-set at delivery). Of course, their size is a little bit of a compromise, but they are a useful feature nonetheless. Wonderland’s sister module Looking Glass includes full size input attenuators as well as LED status indicators.
BUY (DIY) PCB(S) & PANEL £40.00 *
BUY (DIY) PCB(S) ONLY £25.00 *
More info here: Frequency Central | Wonderland