20. June 2018 | News | Noizefield
K-Devices released AutoTrig and TATAT

K-Devices released AutoTrig and TATAT for Ableton Live.
“OOG” standing for Out Of Grid, this series includes incredibles Max For Live devices designed to write music and control instruments and effects in a brand new way. First of this series, MOOR and Twistor, are step sequencers with unique features.
Today we launch two new OOG tools, with same purposes and a different approach: no more sequences, but cycles! That means that user do not get steps here, but (massively editable) time resolution and other parameters to send MIDI notes at a given frequency.
As other OOG tools, these two also are based on the same design: they are simply the best things you can use for complex out of grid stuff, but they do great job also for linear/in-the-grid needs. We experimented with them getting great results in a wide range of genres: from techno music to micro-sound domain.
More info here: K-Devices | AutoTrig and TATAT