14. December 2022 | Hardware | Noizefield
Olivia Artz Modular released Uncertainty
Olivia Artz Modular released Uncertainty, a petite stochastic gate processor and occult eurorack platform. You send in a gate or trigger (it doesn’t care) and it’ll probably come out of the top outlet. Like, above 90% chance. Probably. If you’d like more uncertainty then chooser a lower outlet. There are eight of them
That’s it. Eight weighted coin-tosses to add some uncertainty to your life.
Want four weighted coin-tosses where you get different gates for both heads and tails? Just invert your gate before sending it into Uncertainty. An attenuverter will do the job. If you adjust the level of your inverted gates between -1V and -5V you can sway the odds of the four coin-tosses.
Uncertainty uses 53ma on the +12V rail plus 9-10ma per gate that is being sent out at any given moment. Alternative firmware may draw more (or less current).
$150.00 USD
More info here: Olivia Artz Modular | Uncertainty