18. October 2023 | Free Software | Noizefield
Peter Semiletov released Drumlabooh

Peter Semiletov released Drumlabooh.
Some history
Drumlabooh was written as the replacement of Drumrox, my fork of DrMr (see Nicklan’s DrMr and Filipe Coelho’s fork.
DrMr is cool C/Gtk+2 LV2 plugin that I used for a years, but then it stopped support current Hydrogen’s drumkit format. First I “fixed” kits XML files manually, and at the some point I made a fork of DrMr called Drumrox and fix it at the XML parsing level.It was a spring 2023.
The C language is not my favourite, so I converted codebase to C++ and wrote new drumkit’s loader using Pugi xml parser. Soon SFZ and the own, simple kit format has been added. Also I replaced note on/off leds to clickable buttons, made some redesign of the window, but I still feeled myself not comfortable with old code – I did not understand some parts of it. I found LV2 documentation too unclear for me. Alas!
After upgrade of my PC box I started to see that Ardour may record MIDI events with some pre-delay (or negative shift), and I readed about this bug and this was not fixed. I would be happy to use Drumrox in another DAW, Reaper, but DrMr UI is based on GTK2, and Reaper does not support GTK2 GUI! I spend many time to play with small toolkits that produces X-based GUI, then (of course!) started to write the own one, but tried JUCE and… That how Drumlabooh was born!
From the Drumrox I took my code of drumkits loader, ported it to JUCE file supports format, and resampler I took from Speex.
- Linux LV2/VSTi, Windows VSTi plugin format
- Supported sample kit formats: Hydrogen, Drumlabooh/Drumrox, SFZ
- Stereo (with built-in mixer) or multi (36 channels) output
- Built-in mixer with Pan, Volume, mute controls and pan mode option
- FX for each instrument slot: LP, HP resonance filters and Analog knob to make the sound warmer
- Up to 36 instrument slots with layers (max 127 layers)
- Automatic open hihat mute on hihat close
- Drumkit image (if provided) at plugin window
- Written in C++, based on JUSE toolkit
More info and free download here: Peter Semiletov | Drumlabooh