27. January 2021 | News | Noizefield
sonicLAB released Cosmosf M31

sonicLAB released Cosmosf M31, a stochastic midi event generator , and with the MBot they build the dream generative system.
Cosmosf M31 is a real-time stochastic event generator, which can generate complex MIDI events with multi scale event distribution processes.
As with other Cosmosƒ applications, here discrete note events of certain density are distributed in a time space defining the onset time and duration values by using stochastic / deterministic functions.
Each macro event defines the duration of a meso space, and the sub events are distrubuted inside it as micro spaces. This is how the local density changes can be elaborated.
The micro events define a midi note event with velociy and pitch values. They can also be accompanied with multiple midi CC’s which are continuously in motion.
Price: EUR 310€ / USD 375$
More info here: sonicLAB | Cosmosf M31