17. November 2021 | Black Friday | Noizefield
Glitchmachines Tactic Sale

Glitchmachines Tactic Sequencer Sale at Plugin Boutique for just €4.46 incl. VAT!
Tactic features a host of sample slots and a master trigger sequencer supported by several modulation sequencers with features such as per-step probability, per-step parameter value designations and per-step randomization, giving you all the tools necessary to create anything from subtle percussive grooves to experimental hyper glitch chaos.
While Tactic can confidently stand on its own, the plugin truly comes to life when paired with Glitchmachines range of signal processing plugins such as Convex, Subvert, Cryogen, Quadrant and Fracture XT. You can of course also load your own samples and pair it with any of your favourite processors and effects chains to fully customize the plugin to your needs.
Deal available here: Plugin Boutique | Glitchmachines Tactic