14. July 2018 | Free Software | Carl
Wavesfactory releases Kontakt plugin Typewriter

Typewriter is a Kontakt sample instrument featuring a Royal vintage typewriter.
Meticulously sampled at Calmaestudis recording studios using 4 mic positions: close stereo, stereo ribbon, mono and stereo room. All microphones are controllable from the Mixer page with pan, width, volume, load/purge and separate outputs for each channel.
In the Effects section you can apply up to 8 different DSP effects including chorus, saturation, high quality EQ and convolution reverb with more than 40 custom impulses.
From the Settings page you can set the number of round robin repetitions, tweak the release volume, velocity curve and pre-shift or pre-roll of each sample individually.
Recorded with 3 velocity layers and 10 round robin, not only the keys but also paper noises and typewriter hits, rolls and much more. Separate note on and note off samples and one shots as well. Download now for free!