18. October 2021 | Hardware | Noizefield
Weston Precision Audioreleased PA0 Phase Animated Oscillator

Weston Precision Audioreleased PA0, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) module for eurorack (18HP). It is a triangle core design with an additional triangle phase animator circuit which provides a copy of the 4 primary waveform outputs (triangle, saw, sine, and square) with adjustable phase lag from 0 to 180 degrees. Additionally the phase animator can be pushed past 0 and 180 to add additional harmonics. PA0 provides through-zero linear phase modulation (PM) and linear frequency modulation (FM), as well as exponential FM.
- Through zero PM and FM
- Lockable phase difference of 90 degrees (quadrature)
- 2 types of sync: hard and soft
- 8-position octave rotary selector with high-class encoder
- Several auxiallary waves including sub octave square, PWM (modulated through phase modulation system), and “MW” wave.
- 18HP module size, 25mm Deep
- Power 110mA +12V / 95mA -12V
USD 320$
More info here: Weston Precision Audio | PA0
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